Womb Awakening

A Rebirth journey to healing & wholeness

The 12 week program to reawaken your Feminine energies and heal your womb wounds so that you unlock your feminine wisdom and unleash the powerful creatrix within you.

You’ve landed here because you’ve felt the call of Womb Awakening to call you back to your Feminine essence, to the powerful Creatrix within you. You have a burning desire to join the collective rise of the feminine and feel a longing to heal your feminine Womb Wounds so that you can reconnect to the power and wisdom within your womb space and allow her to guide you back to living as the authentic, empowered woman you were born to be.

Womb Awakening

You’ll know you’re ready to explore powerful energy healing based on ancient practices, if you are:

  • Stuck in your masculine, burnt-out and always doing
  • Disconnected from your  feminine wisdom 
  • Not feeling grounded and present  in your body 
  • Unable to tune into your unique creative flow 

Imagine feeling safe, present and grounded in your body….

Imagine feeling safe, present and grounded in your body. 

having a deeper love of yourself, trusting your inner voice enough to be your authentic feminine self no matter what and making choices that honour you and your boundaries at all times.

You feel free from limiting beliefs and patterns that have held you back and feeling worthy to attract love and abundance in your life. You are feeling more accepting and at ease with yourself. You feel more connected to your sensuality & sexual power.

You live in flow and trust your creative instincts and live life with more ease. You are trusting your inner voice and what is true for you .You are feeling grounded and able to implement changes in your life with more ease, learning to trust the flow of life.

This is what is on the other side of this transformational 12 week program.

This is what is on the other side of this transformation 12 week programme.

Are you ready to awaken your womb and rebirth into a more whole and powerful version of your Feminine self. If you are ready to commit to this work, you have the opportunity to greatly heal your womb wounds. Does this land in your body? Then this program is for you.

Here’s what you’ll experience inside…

Experience a Womens’ Circle 

A Womens’ Circle is a powerful ritual space for healing. You enjoy inspiration and support in a safe container of shared community.This is very empowering and enriching.

Release Blocks

Using powerful  energetic practices, you get a chance to journey through your body and release blocks and armouring  in the deep cells of your body created as a result of trauma so that you are able to surrender more deeply to the wisdom of your body. 

Reactivate the Feminine Centres of your body

By releasing blocks and stagnant energy in your body, you can open your heart, intuition and connect to your wisdom so that you are able to trust your own intuition and inner guru.

Connect to your Sacred Womb

I will facilitate by guiding you through a focused Womb connection practice to help you connect to your Sacred Womb so that you learn how to continue to deepen this connection going forward.

Listen to your Womb

Your Sacred Womb is a multi-dimensional space and a record holder for all your life experiences. Learn to listen to her story so that you are able to hear and trust what she needs to release and be guided by her wisdom.

Heal Feminine Wounds.

Learn to use the powerful combination of Light, breath & intention to heal Feminine wounds that have held you back from accessing your deepest wisdom so that you can free yourself from limiting beliefs and patterns.


Enhanced Relationships

Heal your Shadow

More flow in your Creativity

Awakened Sensuality & Sexual power


Welcome call: Live Zoom Thursday 17th October 7pm-8pm

Month 1 (Thursday 24th October Live Zoom 7pm-9pm):

-Releasing deep blocks and holding in your body so you can re activate your Feminine Centres

Month 2 (Thursday 21st November Live Zoom 7pm-9pm)

-Listen to your Sacred Womb in order to forge a deeper connection with her wisdom and the stories she has stored.

Month 3 (Thursday 19th December Live Zoom 7pm-9pm)

-An opportunity to heal any feminine wounds your womb is ready to let go of so you align to attract more love and flow into your life.

2 Monthly live healing and sharing circles
Handouts to support the process

Each month we meet on zoom for a live healing and sharing Circle. I will facilitate using powerful practices combining Light healing, breath, intuitive journeying and voice. Afterwards we have sharing and guidance in a safe container of like minded women.

What happens after each live session? You have an integration process of one month during which you have materials to read, the recorded session to repeat the healing.

We will meet after 2 weeks for a live Sharing Circle and offer guidance to help in the integration process.



Early bird offer of 500 Euro available until 6th October saving 150 Euro.
Then the Full price is 650 Euro.
Deposit is 350 Euro (To secure place on the course) and balance 300 Euro to be paid before Program starts.
Avail of special offer in 1-1 session of 90 mins, 126 Euro until October 6th.
Normal price is 180 Euro.

We have an application process for this Program to be absolutely sure this Womb Awakening Program is right for you!


Each month we meet on zoom for a live healing and sharing Circle. I will facilitate using powerful practices combining Light healing, breath, intuitive journeying and voice. Afterwards we have sharing and guidance in a safe container of like minded women.

We meet again for a Live Sharing Circle and integration Circle every 2 weeks.

You have an integration process of one month during which you have materials to read, the recorded session to repeat the healing and e mail access to me should you need any guidance throughout the process. You also have access to a private Facebook group. We meet again for a Live Sharing Circle and integration Circle every 2 weeks.

The Group circles are live on zoom but I will be recording them should you miss a call.

However, I encourage you to attend live if you wish to avail of 1-1 guidance on the night and to experience the group sharing.

Yes, I will be e mailing you notes for each month.

Each live session is 2 hours long.

This offer is non refundable.

@2024 Nóra Therèse Leahy
All rights reserved